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Slippery Elm Bark, certified organic

Slippery Elm Bark, certified organic

Planetary Association: Saturn

Gender: Feminine

Element: Air

Folklore: Slippery Elm derives from the inner bark of an American species of Elm known as Red Elm. Although Elm was also used in Europe and is even mentioned by Dioscorides, the use of this plant is more common in the United States and the UK, where it was introduced via the Native American Materia Medica. Elms have become quite a rare sight in the UK and Europe since the outbreak of the Dutch Elm disease wiped out huge populations of these trees. The fact, that it is the inner bark that is collected for medicinal use, which effectively kills the trees, does not bode well for their future, especially since Dutch Elm disease has also ravaged large populations in the United States and Canada. At present Red Elm is being considered for inclusion in the CITES list, so recent conservation efforts to ensure a sustainable harvest don’t come a moment too soon. Slippery Elm was one of the original herbs included in the famous Essiac mixture, the herbal anti-cancer formula devised by the Canadian nurse Rene Caisse.


Magickal Uses: Halts Gossip. Used to stop gossip and slander. Make a charm to be worn about the neck of a child to help with learning speech and to be a persuasive speaker later in life. Tie a knotted yellow thread around slippery elm and throw it into a fire to cease all gossip about you. Use in exorcism, protection, spell breaking and more. It may be of great service when attending ceremonies that demand long hours of chanting and praying.

In Voodoo: SLIPPERY ELM BARK is used in herbal medicine as a soothing demulcent; its reputation in Conjure work and Hoodoo is similar: it is said to make the bearer impervious to the Slander, Libel, Malicious Gossip, and Lies spread by back-biting family members, jealous co-workers, and false friends who are trying to trouble your marriage or love-life. Some folks place a small pinch of SLIPPERY ELM in the corners of their rooms; they claim that this protects the home and Rids the Premises of Evil. Others tell us that they carry SLIPPERY ELM in a pocket or conjure bag for Immunity from the Harmful Tales told on them by covetous neighbors, back-biters, and hidden enemies posing as friends.

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