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Uncrossing Oil

Uncrossing Oil

My UNCROSSING OIL is made with organic herbs known throughout the Hoodoo tradition for breaking curses, removing hexes, uncrossing jinxes and reversing bad luck.

Add a few drops of UNCROSSING OIL to your bath water for a cleansing ritual bath. Combine the oil with my UNCROSSING BATH TEAS for an even more potent cleansing.


Dress a white candle with UNCROSSING OIL to remove curses and bad luck. Dress a black candle with the oil and place the candle in front of a mirror facing AWAY from your home to reverse a hex and send it back to your enemy.

Dress a green candle with the oil if you are having serious debt and financial issues.


Oil comes prepared in a sweet almond oil base in a 1/2 ounce glass bottle. Conduct a skin test prior to full application. Not for internal use. Sold as a 

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