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WEEKLY WICCE WITCH | Week 2 RElease, REnew, RElax

Since the Great American Eclipse in August, many may have noticed a lot of changes happening in their life going at turbo speed. The Universe asked us to release all things and people who no longer serve our highest good. We took on the characteristics of the Hermit card and looked inward for guidance and self-realization. We shed some bad habits and not so good relationships that we may have been holding on to for far to long.

But now what do we do?

After releasing the burdens and the weights that held us down, an effective way to combat the fatigue brought on from all that soul searching is to reconnect with your Higher Self, Divine Spirit or deity. Renew your relationship(s) with your spirit guides, ancestors, deities, Mother Earth or whatever Universal power you recognize. Strengthen those bonds through meditation, rituals, offerings and libations, divination, chanting, singing and dancing.

Allow the energy you raise during these acts of renewal to surge through you, from head to toes. Feel this connection to Divinity and use this renewal as fuel to push you into the next phase of your life. Let it recharge and replenish you. Acknowledge and celebrate this renewal and know that it is a beautiful and sustaining bond that can never be severed.

So now you've given your offerings and worked your rituals, sang and danced and been renewed. Breathe it all in and stand in the moment. Relax. Be present in what you are feeling. Flow with your transformation. Turn with the Wheel. You have released what was holding you back, you renewed your spiritual relationships so now it is time to relax and enjoy your evolutionary leap. You are on a magnificent journey that is changing the very person that looks back at you in the mirror. Stand in your power and just be.

A lot of the time we expend our energy on worrying about things that have already transpired that cannot be changed. We lose sleep over situations that have not yet happened. That is wasted energy. Let it go. Release it, Renew your Spirit, Relax in your evolution!

Goddess Blessings,

Seraphine Indigomoon ~



Wearing, carrying or meditating with Rhodochrosite helps make one buoyant and cheerful, dynamic and active. It is mentally enlivening, stimulating one’s creativity, dream states and sense of personal power. It allows for spontaneous expression of feelings, and can enhance passion and sexuality.

Rhodochrosite is a great stone for calling a new love into one’s life, a friend or a romantic partner that is a soulmate, one who helps us learn necessary lessons for our higher good. This stone can beautifully guide one in the quest for emotional happiness, help one move forward after a period of doubt, and express love toward others without fear of rejection.

Rhodochrosite increases mind-to-mind or telepathic links between you and family members or animals. It can also be used as a calling-back crystal to generate news or contact with a lost friend, relative or former love. Place the crystal next to a photograph of the missing person and place your hands on either side of the stone. Visualize where and when you were last together, say the person’s name softly three times and ask them to get in touch or send news. For a pet, imagine it back in its place, and leave the crystal where it used to love sitting or sleeping, or on a surface near the exit or entrance the animal used most.

Rhodochrosite is a valuable Earth stone for healing the planet and showing love to the Mother of us all. It not only assists us in serving Earth in her time of need, but demonstrates the joy that can come from this responsibility.

This is a wonderful stone for helping children transition into childcare or school, or for attending a new school or college to settle in and find friends easily. It makes a great gift for new family members, such as those acquired by remarriage or adoption.

In the Crystal Tarot, Rhodochrosite represents 0, The Fool. It instructs us to see ourselves through the eyes of an innocent child, and to trust that we can accomplish what we set out to do.

Rhodochrosite is a natural enhancer for becoming a more mature adult by healing the wounds of childhood, and allowing one to better understand and forgive one’s parents. It is also a marvelous support stone for anyone who works with children, such as pediatricians, elementary school teachers, and caregivers.

info from



"I take back my Light into Myself. I allow myself rest and Retreat. Caring for myself is not a selfish act but an act of Self-Love and nurturing. I see with my Mind Eye and listen to my body and Spirit. I deserve healing peace and calm."



Herb - Angelica Root

Very powerful protection herb - protects against negative energy and attracts positive energy; creates a barrier against negative energy. Use in healing & exorcism incenses; scatter for purification, protection, and uncrossing. Add to incense to promote healing or to the bath to remove curses, hexes, or spells.

Get your angelica root here:

Color Magick - Black

Grounding, wisdom, learning, protection, safety, reversing, uncrossing, unhexing, repelling black magick, banishing negativity, releasing, shapeshifting, defense, scrying, pride

Candle Magick -

Uncrossing, Binding, Return to Sender, Reversals, Fiery Wall of Protection

Oil Blend - Fiery Wall of Protection

Dragon's Blood, myrrh, rue, sandalwood, rosemary

Get your Fiery Wall of Protection Conjure Oil here:


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